Word Power- Next Level
Syllabus and Materials
Upper Elementary-Middle School
**Each week’s subject matter will blend and spiral into the next. There will be mandatory reading assignments and writing assignments between classes, to be submitted throughout the week. There will be weekly quizzed (oral and written). Selected literature will need to be downloaded, borrowed from your local library and/or purchased from Amazon or your local bookstore. Literature will include (but is not limited to): the speeches of Malcolm X, poetry by Langston Hughes, Sunni Patterson, Imamu Amiri Baraka, books by Mildred Taylor, Camille Yarbrough, Attilah Shabazz, Walter Dean Myers, Richard Wright, Maya Angelou, Sister Souljah, and more.
Week One – Overstanding Words
>Intro to the 8 parts of speech
>Examination of “foreign” root words, affixes and word origins
>Analysis of sentence structure in simple and complex sentences
>Writing with clarity (grammar, syntax and punctuation usage)
>Literature: TBA
Week Two – Writing on Purpose
>Exploring Author’s Purpose in Writing
>Compare & Contrast Informative, Persuasive, Narrative and Entertainment Writing
>Tactical Analysis: Fact, opinion and propaganda
>Build a paragraph…build an essay; Exercise strong paragraph structure to create literature with purpose
>Produce 4 purposeful essays
>Literature: TBA
Week Three – Voice, Person and Mind
>Finding Your Literary Voice: What Do You Want To Write About?
>Analysis of Author’s perspective (1st person, 3rd person, limited, omniscient, kwk)
>AFRIKAN STATE OF MIND: Afrikan centered vs. “Other” centered thought in writing
>Identifying the damage caused by a “White Washed OurStory”
>Writing your story with POWER
Week Four – Figurative Language
>Analysis of Figurative Language all around us (alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, metaphors kwk)
>Explore Proverbs and Sayings
>Using figurative language in Persuasive Writing
>Literature: TBA
Week Five – A Story…A Story
>Exploring options in Fictional Writing
>Creative Writing with Purpose
>Afrikan Folk tales, myths and fables
>Story Plotting…a full analysis
>Literature: TBA
Week Six – Persuasion vs. Propoganda
>Analysis of Commerical Writing, Advertisements and Subliminal Messages
>Choosing your agenda & Choosing/targeting your audience
>Producing a Persuasive Writing piece
>Literature: TBA
Week Seven – Writing to Inform
>Scholarly research tips
>Organizing and Outlining your ideas as a writer
>Produce an informative literary piece on a relevant topic
>Literature: TBA
Week Eight – The World of Fiction
>Exploring science fiction, historical fiction, suspense/mystery fiction etc.
>Develop an outline for a novella or short fictional story (with a goal of publishing)
>Writing strategies and editing tips
>Literature: TBA
Week Nine – Power Poetry
>Explore ancient Afrikan poetry for style, purpose, audience kwk
>Explore contemporary poetic works
>Produce original poetry with purpose
Literature: TBA
Week Ten – Portfolio and Demonstrations
>Evaluate your collection of writings from the course
>Oral presentations on selected original writings
>Final exams

Required Class Workbook:
WORD POWER Vol 1 by Nikita Bush
*Included in class price
E-book will be issued after Registration
To purchase, contact Mama Nikita at:
We will focus on:
EXPOSITORY and INFORMATIONAL WRITING via the Exploration of Afrikan Traditions & Folkways
Vocabulary Building
Poetry Writing
(No book list but students will receive essays and excerpts by email)
Akwaaba! Welcome!
I am so pleased that you have chosen to take (or continue to take) the WORD POWER course for this semester. Whether you are in the teen class or the elementary/middle grades class, I am confident that you will have a wonderful and enlightening experience as you become a better writer, reader and communicator. This course is very engaging, lively, challenging and fun. Be prepared to share your thoughts and writing, work cooperatively with classmates and go beyond what you thought were your creative limits!
Here are some important things to know/expect for this course:
You will need a notebook specifically for this course.
The reading list is MANDATORY.
Additional material/excerpts will be provided for you.
There will be oral and written quizzes/tests.
There will be oral and visual presentations done by YOU.
Mama Nikita’s teaching style honors various learning styles.
The class environment is supportive and cooperative, not competitive.
What you put the class will impact what you get of the class! So be ready to participate.
See you soon,
Peace and Power!
Mama Nikita Simmons Bush