The Elements in Me:
Studying the 5 Body / Element Systems
Level 1
Taught by Mama Nichita Bush
This 10-week course will be an in depth study of the 5 human body systems, reflecting on their correlation to the elements Air (Shu), Fire (Set), Water (Tefnut), Earth (Geb) and Life Force Energy (Ka).
Respiratory System (Air- Shu)
Related Organs (Lungs, heart, nose/nasal passages, trachea etc.
Functions and illnesses of this system
Foods and Lifestyle practices that support this system
How Kemetic science and nature express Shu
Circulatory System (Water/Moisture-Tefnut)
Related Organs (Heart, Blood vessels, arteries, lungs etc)
Functions and illnesses of this system
Foods and Lifestyle practices that support this system
How Kemetic science and nature expresses Tefnut
(Reference: Correlation between earth's waters and the body's blood as explained in the Essene Gospel of Peace)
Skeletal, muscular, digestive, excretory systems (Earth-Geb)
Related organs (stomach, intestines, bladder, kidneys etc.)
Functions and illnesses of these systems
Food and lifestyle practices that support these systems
How Kemetic Science and nature express Geb
Nervous system (Fire-Set)
Related organs (nerves, solar plexus, brain, spinal chord etc)
Functions and illnesses of this system
Foods and lifestyle practices that support this system
How Kemetic Science and nature express Set
Bio-energetic system (Ka)
Related aspects (Chakras, will power, etc.)
Functions and illness of this system
Foods and lifestyle practices that support this system
How Kemetic Science and nature express Ka
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Mama Nichita's Class Presentation